
If you want to contact us, do it through this phone:


Or if you prefer, fill in and send the following form, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.


These reserves are not legal and must be confirmed by the accommodation itself to be effective. Check the availability of the accommodation on the calendar on the desired dates. Thank you very much.

Check the availability of the accommodation on the calendar on the desired dates, and then contact us by phone. 

Weekend: € 495
Entire week: € 1,160
Room /night: € 170
Wood basket: € 6
Supplementary night: € 14

Minimum to reserve: 2 Nights.

Additional oche: € 170.

Bridges, Easter, Christmas, New Year's Eve and Kings, supplement of 15% of the total.

The house has sheets and towels.

Our location

Street Morondoa nº 7 - 31292 Zabal (Navarra). 
GPS location: Latitude: 42.71220 - Length: -2.00090.

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